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Academy of Pizzocchero

Our restaurant is a founding partner of the Academy.

The Teglio Academy of Pizzocchero was founded in August, 2, 2002 with the purpose of protection, promotion and diffusion of Pizzocchero of Teglio and all the typical dishes and beverages of oenology and gastronomy of the Sondrio province.

The task of the Academy is, thus, to support and encourage all the initiatives that can add up to the value and knowledge of the oenology and gastronomy of Valtellina, as well as costumes, culture and science. We are partner founders together with a group of other companies working in the area and other sympathizers.

Pizzoccheri of Teglio have received the mark of quality De.Co. in 2013.

Go to the official website.

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Why choose us?

  • Panoramic location
  • Typical restaurant with specialities of Valtellina
  • Homemade pizzoccheri every day
  • Perfect location for receptions and banquets
  • Large outside terrace
  • Restaurant - a member of the Pizzocchero Academy of Teglio

Fabulous Pizzoccheri

Hand-made, excellent cheese and vegetables from the garden. Delicious, seasoned well and the portions are enormous. Besides, Signora keeps on walking from table to table and top up the dishes, not only pizzoccheri but also other dishes. There are some theme lunches arranged in accordance with the period. I highly recommend the place.

Offers and further information


Teglio and Valtellina

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© 2025 Albergo Ristorante Bellavista di Elisa Maffescioni - Via Roma, 32, Teglio - P.Iva 00741270144 -

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